Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Want to live better and healthier?

Want to live better and healthier?

Shoot your television. Read or learn to play an instrument - even a cheap Casio keyboard.

Use your car sparingly. Use a bike instead.

Move closer to work or into a city.

Don't eat fast food or processed food.

Avoid candy.

Cook balanced meals at home with fresh or fresh-frozen vegetables.

Avoid food with a lot of preservatives.

Don't work more than 40 - 45 hrs a week if you can avoid it.

Take vacation.

Open your windows instead of using the AC unless it is really hot.

Go outisde and play.

Get enough sleep.

Don't be suckered into consumerism. Be a citizen instead.

Don't get jealous when your neighbor puts himself deep in debt to buy an expensive new toy.

Make friends in your neighborhood.

From a Yahoo message board


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