Monday, September 25, 2006

Now I See Why I need Something More Than A Blog

I need something to takes notes with when I'm not at home.

Nonviolence - Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow

Dr. Michael Nagler

In addition to the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 2001, September 11, 2006 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Nonviolence Movement based on a speech made by Mahatma Gandhi in Johannesburg, South Africa. To commemorate this anniversary, the Dallas Peace Center is bringing Nonviolence scholar and UC Berkeley professor Dr. Michael Nagler to Dallas for two talks this weekend. We'll get a preview of his presentations on "the recovery of human wisdom in a time of violence" when he joins host Krys Boyd this hour.

Dr. Michael Nagler will speak at 7pm on Friday, September 29th and 10am on Saturday, September 30th at Unity Church of Dallas (6525 Forest Lane). These events are free and open to the public. Visit for more information.

Dallas Peace Center
METTA Center for Nonviolence Education

Mr. Nagler mentioned something called "cultural creatives".


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