Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rebuttal To Tom Bethell's 'Banned In Biology'

Tom Bethell’s Commentary ‘Banned In Biology’ contained too many factual errors to be addressed in one Letter to the Editor, so let’s just consider two paragraphs containing three factual errors and one logical error.

Mr. Bethell wrote: "Software designers understand how precisely such information must be specified. There is no room for error. Yet each cell of the body contains a DNA chain of 3 billion nucleotides, encoded in such a way it specifies construction of all the proteins."

DNA is not software. Just because Bill Gates says it’s like software doesn’t mean it is software. DNA is similar to software, but rather than being a set of specific instructions, it’s more like a recipe, a subtle but important distinction. Being like a recipe, there is a great deal of room for error. People have proven this through thousands of years of selective breeding to improve crops and produce various breeds of animals.

In the next paragraph, Mr. Bethell writes: "No one knows the source of this code or how it arose. It cannot have been by accident, but accident is the only method available to the evolutionists, who believe as a matter of dogma that early life arose from the random collision of atoms and molecules and nothing else."

This does not make logical sense. If no one knows the source of this code, then no one can say whether or not it arose by accident. Scientists do not, in fact, believe that DNA has arisen by accident, nor do they believe that early life arose from the random collisions of atoms and molecules and nothing else. There is no such thing as this "and nothing else," because atoms and molecules have physical properties which give them affinities for certain ways of interacting and combining. If you fill a space with two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen and then make a spark, you will get a space full of H2O, in part because of the random motions of the atoms and molecules, but also because hydrogen and oxygen are more strongly attracted to each other than they are to themselves.

And that is the key. It isn’t just random motion, it is never just random motion and nothing else. Everything that goes on in every cell of your body happens in part because of the random motions of molecules, but it isn’t random motion alone. It is random motion plus the affinities of the molecules to make certain interactions and combinations with each other. If this were not so, then every single molecule of water would have to be designed and constructed, and every function of every cell of your body would need some supernatural influence to make it work.

Clearly this would be absurd. If there is any intelligent design, better to seek it at a level far lower than that of molecules. Every second of every day, innumerable snowflakes form high in the atmosphere. A snowflake accumulates from the random motions of water molecules in the air, and organizes itself not because of some supernatural intervention, but because of the geometry and physical properties of the water molecule itself. If there is design, then it should be sought in the quantum levels of the electrons in the orbitals of atoms, but of course, it makes no sense stop there. What causes those orbitals, and what causes the cause of the orbitals?

If Mr. Bethell wants to be taken seriously as a science writer, then he needs to do a lot more studying of the basics of science. As far as I know, proponents of Intelligent Design have no quarrel with the basics of chemistry and physics that have served mankind well for over two centuries.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bill O'Reilly Is A Liar: Faux News' Trumped Up "War On Christmas"

Okay, you already knew that, but here are a couple of lies he's been spreading about the so-called War on Christmas.


From the article.
O'Reilly said,
In Dodgeville, Wisconsin, the Ridgewood Elementary School has changed the song Silent Night to Cold in the Night and forced the kids to sing the lyrics, "Cold in the night, No one in sight, Winter winds whirl and bite," to the tune of the original Silent Night.
O'Reilly was by no means the only conservative to repeat this story. During a Dec. 10 appearance on Fox News, Mathew Staver of the Liberty Counsel said the presentation at Ridgewood Elementary had "no balance here. They have no Christian Christmas carols."

As it turns out, the entire story is a fraud.

O'Reilly's really on a tear with the "War on Christmas". Here's another story about lies he's spreading. Plano ISD has asked for a retraction, but the lies are still on the Faux News website.


Plano schools angered over comment by Bill O'Reilly

PLANO, Texas - School officials want talk show host Bill O'Reilly to retract
his on-air comment about the district banning students from wearing red and green because the colors represent Christmas.

O'Reilly told the audience on his Fox News Channel show "The O'Reilly Factor" that a Plano school told students they couldn't wear red and green clothing. "That's flat-out fascism," he said during the broadcast.

The district, located in an affluent Dallas suburb, said in Wednesday's editions of The Dallas Morning News that it never has prohibited such clothing, and sent e-mails to parents and posted a statement on its Web site about the "false rumor."

"What vehicle do I have to say Bill O'Reilly is flat wrong?" said Richard Abernathy, an attorney for the school district.

iTunes Sucks: Windows Connection Problems? Get Anapod Explorer

iTunes won't recognize my daughter's iPod on my computer. The iPod shows up as a removable storage device. What, then, is so hard about iTunes recognizing the iPod? I have no other software conflicts. My daughter's Fuji FinePix software has no problem recognizing the camera. So what's up with iTunes?

I did a search for "iTunes alternative" and found Anapod Explorer by Redchair Software. It connects with the iPod just fine and gives complete control over the iPod. The interface isn't as slick as iTunes, but slick interface is for bupkis if the software doesn't work.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What Do Liberals Value?

Foreign Policy

Al Qaida/Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
American Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
Liberals: Peace and international cooperation

Executing Minors

Al Qaida/Taliban: Executing Minors OK
American Taliban: Executing Minors OK
Liberals: Find this to be a barbaric and embarrassing practice

Pop Culture

Al Qaida/Taliban: Hate it... kill it
American Taliban: Hate it... ban it
Liberals: Laugh at it... boycott it


Al Qaida/Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
American Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
Liberals: Willingness to consider other viewpoints


Al Qaida/Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
American Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
Liberals: God may or may not exist and will not help us kill anyone

Stem Cell Research

Al Qaida/Taliban: No Stem cell research
American Taliban: No Stem cell research
Liberals: Stem cell research


Al Qaida/Taliban: God choose Osama Bin Laden to defeat the Great Satan
American Taliban: God choose George W. Bush to lead us
Liberals: God didn't choose anyone

Use of Force

Al Qaida/Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
American Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
Liberals: As a last resort

Bush's War in Iraq

Al Qaida/Taliban: Love it!
American Taliban: Love it!
Liberals: It's a disaster


Al Qaida/Taliban: Control of the Press
American Taliban: Manipulation of the Press
Liberals: Freedom of the Press

Free Speech

Al Qaida/Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is an infidel and must be silenced
American Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is a traitor and must be silenced
Liberals: Anyone who disagrees with us is in for a spirited discussion


Al Qaida/Taliban: Conform or else
American Taliban: Conform or else
Liberals: Embrace diversity


Al Qaida/Taliban: You're either with us or against us
American Taliban: You're either with us or against us
Liberals: We're all in this together


Al Qaida/Taliban: Death to the infidels
American Taliban: Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity
Liberals: Live and let live


Al Qaida/Taliban: Obedience to authority
American Taliban: Obedience to authority
Liberals: Critical reflection


Al Qaida/Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
American Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
Liberals: The Universe began as we know it at least 14 billion years ago, maybe more


Al Qaida/Taliban: Subservient to will of its leaders
American Taliban: Subservient to will of its leaders
Liberals: Will served by Representative government


Al Qaida/Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
American Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
Liberals: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in accepting that respect for our fellow man and the individual choices he/she makes is eminently moral


Al Qaida/Taliban: A woman's place is in the home
American Taliban: A woman's place is in the home
Liberals: A woman's place is wherever she wants it to be


Al Qaida/Taliban: Marriage is only between a man and a woman
American Taliban: Marriage is only between a man and a woman
Liberals: Marriage is between any two people who love each other

George Bush: Unplugged From Reality

by wkitwizard

“In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend -- but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ‘That's not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” -Ron Suskind, Esquire

Bush is crazy. This is a common sympton of a sociopath. They don't have the conscience to admit they lied, they are wrong, and they are miserable failures. This is what makes Bush such a dangerous human.

Look, this emperor hasn’t had any clothes on for a long time. Only our collective brainwashing and purposeful avoidance of the obvious has shielded us from reality. He keeps talking about evildoers and people who hate us for our freedom. He has the mental capacity of a third grader. And no matter how much of an apologist you are for this administration or how much you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, you know it in your heart. It’s crystal clear when you listen to him.

The President is a dunce. He is lazy, uninterested and incompetent. He views the presidency as homework. He seems to enjoy politics (at least while he’s up), but he doesn’t enjoy policy. He is detached from decision making and his decision makers have led him dangerously astray.

Finally and most importantly, he doesn’t care to get it right. George W. Bush will never put in the long hours to make sure we have the right policy in Iraq, in the war on terror, in the budget or anything else that concerns actual governing. He finds these things to be tedious. In reality, they are essential to the job of being President. He is overmatched. And when you’re overmatched, you don’t put together second half comebacks. You get crushed.

In less than four years after entering WWII, America and its allies defeated the greatest military threat ever assembled in world history – the fascist Axis powers of Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo. But four years after 9/11, Bush remains unable to defeat a ragtag group of insurgents and terrorists, with no end in sight to the Iraqi insurgency and "War on Terrorism."

Osama been forgotten?

More Stuff About George

1. Bin Laden "dead or alive"
2. Plastic and duct tape
3. "We found Saddam's WMD's"
4. Billions spent on useless Homeland Security Dept. including inept FEMA
5. Secret energy policy (lower gas/home heating prices anyone?)
6. Bankruptcy bill, which still allows corrupt corporations to "reoganize", yet screws any individual who owes too much
7. For every one job taken by illegal immigrants, 1.2 jobs are created (yeah, right...WalMart is looking out for you)
8. Compassionate conservatism
9. Flight-suit GW, the 'true' veteran
10. Medicare drug plan allows Big Pharma to 'control' pricing while outlawing states/buyers from looking for better deals (capitalist greed/lobbying works!) and limits drug company's liability

Sunday, December 04, 2005

George Bush Is The Worst President Ever

Surpassing even James Buchanan.

According to an article by Richard Reeves...

There are some numbers. The History News Network at George Mason University
has just polled historians informally on the Bush record. Four hundred and
fifteen, about a third of those contacted, answered -- maybe they were all
crazed liberals -- making the project as unofficial as it was interesting.
These were the results: 338 said they believed Bush was failing, while 77
said he was succeeding. Fifty said they thought he was the worst president
ever. Worse than Buchanan.

This is what those historians said -- and it should be noted that some of
the criticism about deficit spending and misuse of the military came from
self-identified conservatives -- about the Bush record:

- He has taken the country into an unwinnable war and alienated friend and foe alike in the process;

- He is bankrupting the country with a combination of aggressive military spending and reduced taxation of the rich;

- He has deliberately and dangerously attacked separation of church and state;

- He has repeatedly "misled," to use a kind word, the American people on affairs domestic and foreign;

- He has proved to be incompetent in affairs domestic (New Orleans) and foreign (Iraq and the battle against al-Qaida);

- He has sacrificed American employment (including the toleration of pension and benefit elimination) to increase overall productivity;

- He is ignorantly hostile to science and technological progress;

- He has tolerated or ignored one of the republic's oldest problems, corporate cheating in supplying the military in wartime.


George Orwell defined crimestop as "the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."

Thursday, December 01, 2005


What Murtha called for (not withdrawal):

To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over-the-horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq.


They call for a phased, two-year plan, drawing the troops down to 80,000 by the end of next year and dispensing with most of the rest by the end of 2007. However, they don't call for a total withdrawal. By their plan, all 46,000 members of the Guard and Reserve will go home next year, but most of the active-duty soldiers and Marines will be "redeployed" to Kuwait or Afghanistan. Even after that, many American troops will remain to train, advise, help secure the borders, and provide logistical and air support to the Iraqi regime.

Who Is For It?

Murtha also told Russert, with only slight exaggeration, "There's nobody that talks to people in the Pentagon more than I do."

This is the key point. It is worth noting that most of the leaks about impending troop withdrawals have come from military sources. This is because the military, especially the Army, realizes that the current troop levels cannot be sustained for another year or two without straining the Army's resources to the breaking point—and without quite possibly breaking the Guard and Reserves.
